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Aladdin Mailing List Rules

- Keep the talk on subject of Aladdin and any other related topics.

- No flame wars will be allowed on this List. Respect is a must. - This is a G-rated List, so NO porno pics or any reference or link to a site with those kind of pictures or sex stories are allowed here.

- Be polite all the time. No bad words, swearing or insulting other List Members.

- Since the List Members are from all over the world, the language we use in the List is the English, but you have to understand that not all the Members have English as their primary language, so try to understand the efforts they are doing with the language.

- In short, don't do anything that Aladdin wouldn't do!

I'm sure everything will be fine and we are going to have so much fun. Just try to stick to this Rules, it's for our own good!

Besides, do you know what the penalty is for breaking this Rules? -she pulls her sword over her head- I think you got the idea....

Welcome aboard and enjoy!