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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:30 pm    Post subject:

Or the hackers Rolling Eyes

But yes, welcome! Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:01 pm    Post subject:

Well, you weren't here when someone kept spamming porn and trolling the board, and of course there are always the advertisers. There are definitely people who deserve to be banned...

Anyway, welcome. Smile
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:44 pm    Post subject:

Aaaaaaah, so it's clipart you want, eh? There are links to such things in Aladdin Central's link section.

And here are pictures of Sadira:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:33 pm    Post subject: Looking for Decorative Mateerials, and Regular Mateerials to

Very Happy Hi yeah you guessed it I am new.

I read some of what was on the board. First of all I don't think anyone should be permanently banned. Especially since I have a ban me luck about me. People think it's a great past time. Or if a Admin is haveing a bad day. I shall try not to break any rules, but who is to say I won't make a boo boo. Anyhow, I like gifs, and Clipart. I am looking for such things in Sadira, it seems to be rare. Especially the front of her face=Mug shot. I also like Desktop themes and Pointers animated, and not. For reasons I seem to be attracted to desire things that I just cannot find or there isn't allot of. Ok well seeya all later. Can't give out info without being shut down. *Negative sigh* A dissclaimer, Aladdin Central has a dissclaimer. But your the central. Oh well that figures. I'll read that later and find out what your not respocible for. Or whatever. You know This post is giving me diffaculty in posting it.

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