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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:59 pm    Post subject:

PrincessHikaru wrote:
Iago wrote:
no, the one that drives me crazy is when they TyPe LiKe ThIs. Argh! how can you type like that, its hard on the hand after a while

Damn straight! I don't see much of that anymore, but I used to see it a lot, and the "candy ravers" typed like that. It is a waste of time.


i don't ever, EVER, use upper case i's. Just because i think they're ugly, and i was never taught to write them by hand. So when i use all upper case like - "OMFG i LOVE iAGO SO MUCH, ALADDiN KiCKS ASS!!!" People think i'm just being annoing and get mad at me... *sob*

So yeah, just so everyone knows, its kinda just a habbit now, and i'm not trying to be bothersom, cause i hate it too
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:05 am    Post subject:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:57 am    Post subject: Re: Spider

G0Ma-maZ wrote:

Ok, whoever just posted this endless crap is a loser and royally pissed me off. Stupid and annoying loser SPAM bot! Shrivel up and die!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:09 am    Post subject:

Iago wrote:
no, the one that drives me crazy is when they TyPe LiKe ThIs. Argh! how can you type like that, its hard on the hand after a while

Damn straight! I don't see much of that anymore, but I used to see it a lot, and the "candy ravers" typed like that. It is a waste of time.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:07 am    Post subject:

Lord Mozenrath wrote:
Bad Grammer is one of the reasons I hate mortals. What's the point of typing all in "Net Talk?" Seriously, it would be far more easier to understand and read clearly if you write in fair cohearant sentences instead of writing "yo, how r u? nm u? same lolz! l8r!" It's just plain annoying, and even if it is an easy way, it is definatly a wrong ass way.

Not all mortals use bad grammar.
Interestingly enough, though, sprites don't know how to spell or write very well. But maybe that's another reason why you hate sprites.

There are some really crappy teachers in schools, which may give way to some of the stupidity online. I heard of one teacher who gave a kid an A on a paper that had "you are a ass" written three times in its body content. Makes me wonder what else the moron has let slip by.

You know, all this "net talk" talk has got me thinking. In the book 1984, they had this thing called "New Speak" which was a language that shortened or combined words. It was used in newspapers, and one guy believed that within a couple of years, everybody would be speaking "New Speak" (or was it "newspeak"? I don't remember.) and there would be only six words in the entire language. I wonder if there's people who feel that way about Net Speak, or at least believe that within a couple of years it's going to be an acceptable form of writing. It gives me a headache to think of such a scenario. I'll type properly, at least attempting to spell and punctuate intelligently, and if anybody doesn't understand me, then they weren't worth my time or energy in the first place.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:50 am    Post subject:

xfkirsten wrote:
Yarg. People who type like they're two are such a pet peeve of mine. I've heard all the arguments a million times over, and don't buy any of them. The most common one is "it's faster this way." Faster for you to type, slower for the rest of the world to try to decode. Get a shred of decency and type something legible. I don't care how old you are or how many advanced degrees you may hold... type like that, and I will consider your words mindless drivel and not worth my time. I'll probably also think you're stupid.

The period, comma, shift key, and apostrophe are your friend!

*huggles VisionsFantastic for cracking down on lazy typists*

But what do y'all think of people who send text messages in "net talk"? I sometimes send text messages to my family through AIM. My big sister can spell and punctuate properly, but my dad uses net talk. My sister's up with the times, though, while my dad's stuck in the 1960s. His lack of typing skills where text messages are concerned don't mean he's stupid, they just mean he doesn't know how to work modern technology. (Those people make me laugh. I'm sorry...or not.)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:43 pm    Post subject:

no, the one that drives me crazy is when they TyPe LiKe ThIs. Argh! how can you type like that, its hard on the hand after a while
Lord Mozenrath
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:34 pm    Post subject:

Bad Grammer is one of the reasons I hate mortals. What's the point of typing all in "Net Talk?" Seriously, it would be far more easier to understand and read clearly if you write in fair cohearant sentences instead of writing "yo, how r u? nm u? same lolz! l8r!" It's just plain annoying, and even if it is an easy way, it is definatly a wrong ass way.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:41 pm    Post subject:

'Tis my opinion that grammar is a flexible beast, and should be flexed to produce the proper rhetorial results.

However, it should not be flexed to the point of breaking its backbone. That tends to create prose that's a bit bothersome, not to mention bilious.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:38 pm    Post subject:

Oh, they both need help either way Laughing
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:35 pm    Post subject:

Punctuation, lass. Wink Grammer relates to the word-order; punctuation pertains to those funny little symbols we insert to make our sentances make some semblance of sense.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject:

I had no clue they had one Laughing

Save Grammar!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:30 pm    Post subject:

BWAHAHA! My sentiments exactly!

I don't suppose any of you have met the Apostrophe Protection Society?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:27 pm    Post subject:

"Where'd you learn this? STOP DOING IT!" Laughing
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject:

Ah, this is one of my personal favorites:

All hail Bob the Angry Flower! Laughing

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