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A Lonely Life by Grace Nakimura
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By Grace Nakimura

The little Princess sets on her bed, in the palace. How she wished she could go outside in the real world and not always behind the Palace walls. She was sick of the same things, the same places the same talk. How she wished for some excitement. Some adventure! Something real Life! She was sick of Libraries and lecture halls. She went over to her window looking down at the Empty Market place. She sighed, if only she could see, not from a window everything out there looked so beautiful.

"Jasmine dearest?" She heard her father call.

She turned to face him.

"Jasmine, you should be in bed, by now you're only 7 you need your rest." her father said.

"Yes daddy." She nodded and laid down in her bed. He father straightened the blankets on her bed and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight my little Princess." and with that he left the room.

How Jasmine hated when he called her 'Little Princess.' she loved her father with all her heart but sometimes he just did not understand her need for the outside world. She thought about going out of the Palace one night, something she had been thinking about for the past month. And tonight she thought that maybe, that maybe this was the night she could get out of the palace walls and see the Market Place. Of course at night time it is mostly empty, so she would have the whole Market to look at for herself, with out having to worry about getting caught, and brought back to the palace. She got changed out of her nightdress and into a simple brown dress.

It was not hard getting outside, into the yard but it was getting to the market that would be hard. The guards always guard the doors out into the palace. Jasmine began to think that this was not the very best idea she had. When it looked like she would have to give up she noticed a tall tree that went over the Palace walls. She could easily climb it and get over the other side. She started up the tall climb, to her dream to see the outside world. With one last look at the palace she went over the wall.

The streets was dark and empty. Her stomach was nervous, and flip floppy. Maybe she should head back home. But there was so many places she hadn't saw yet. She continued to walked threw the streets. She paused when she heard something growling behind her. She turned and saw to eyes glaring at her. She screamed and started to run. Her toe hit a stone and she hit her head hard on the ground. She was beginning to feel dizzy. The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was the form of a young boy leaning over her.

"Bad dog Max!" He scolded the dog. The dog would the slugged behind the boy. He bent down near the Jasmine.

"Geez she looks like she really hurt." He said out loud. "I think I should take her home. Maybe mom will be able to help her." He said and lifted her up off the ground.

Jasmine awoke with a headache. She looked around the room. It did not look like her room at the Palace. It had wooden walls, and it was very small. Still yet it was cozy and a wonderful smell came from the kitchen. "Hi. I'm sorry that my dog scared you." A little boy around the age of 8 appeared at the door way. Jasmine looked at him. He was dressed very poorly, torn clothes which were dusty and miss matched. A small furry pup was at his side. Its tongue hanging out and its tail wagging.

"It's ok. But it sure gave me a dant. I can't believe I was scared of such a cute little thing." Jasmine told him looking at the dog.

"So...Um I haven't seen you around in the Market Place before. You new here?" The little boy asked.

"Yes kind-of." Jasmine was shy. She never ever had talked to a poor person before. Or a boy about her own age for that matter!

"My names Aladdin. What's yours?" He asked.

"Jasmine." She spoke shyly.

"After the Princess. I really like your name it's nice. "Aladdin told her.

"Thank you."

"Aladdin is she up yet?" A voice came from the kitchen. A woman who only looked to be 25 walked in. She was very pretty. She wore her hair in one thick braid and her face really looked like her sons.

"Hello dear. Why you gave us a fright. We did not think you'd ever wake up!" She smiled. "My name's Zena dear. Now what was you doing outside alone? Are you an orphan?" She asked.

Jasmine shook her head. "No I'm" She paused. Should she tell them she was the Princess? She just knew they would bow to her and bring her back to the palace and her father would scold her. So she lied. "I'm lost."

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that little one. Why not you join us for breakfast and we'll go out and try to find your parents." Zena offered.

Jasmine nodded her head. "Thank you." She said.

"Don't mention it dear." Zena walked out of the small room.

"Don't worry Jasmine. We'll fine your parents. Momma always finds everything. "The boy seemed to remember something. He smiled at Jasmine and went to help his mother with the Breakfast.

Jasmine felt so guilty. She felt guilty for lying, leaving her home, and now making a poor woman and her son take care of her. She also thought about how her father must be worrying about her. She did not want to tell Zena and her son who she was though. She knew they would hate her afterward. She left the small room and went into the kitchen.

The kitchen was just a little bit bigger than the bed room. Zena served Her son and Jasmine some porridge. It really tasted good. Better than the Palace's pan cakes.

"So how ya feeling." Aladdin asked trying to make talk.

"Besides a splitting headache I'm fine." Jasmine told him.

"Yeah you did fall hard, it must have hurt you were unconscious for three days!" He exclaimed.

"Three days!" Jasmine gasped. He father must be taking a fit!

"Yeah." Aladdin nodded his head. "I'm so glad you woke up."

"Thanks for caring so much."

"It was nothing. I like helping people. Someday I would like to be a doctor." He told her.

"I'm sure you'll be able to complete your dream. You sure did take care of me well." Jasmine told him.

"My momma helped....a little." He grinned.

Jasmine laughed, shortly.

The dog Max who was getting jealous jumped up and licked Jasmine on the cheek.

"Hi!" She told the dog giggling. She petted its head.

"His name's Max." Aladdin told her.

Zena looked over at them and laughed. "It looks like you're friends already." She smiled.

Friends. How in her whole life had Jasmine wanted a friend. It was like a dream come true. But without her father she felt even more alone than ever. She wanted to go back home but she did not want to lose her only friend.

Zena took the kids around the Market Place. Zena had looked for people who she thought could be Jasmine's parents. Jasmine looked at the Palace. She wanted to see her fathers face again, she really did. But how was she supposed to tell Aladdin and his mother who she was? She felt Aladdin tap her shoulder.

"Look." He said pointing to a poster. Jasmine gasped. It had her picture on it and it said missing. Her father offered a reward of fifty gold pieces for anyone who could find her and bring her in.

"Are you the princess." Aladdin asked in awe.

Jasmine nodded her head. She had to stop lying. She had to accept who she was and what she was not. And if being princess was what she was she had to be it.

"I don't believe it!" Zena gasped over hearing there conversation. She bent down to face Jasmine's face.

"Why did you leave the Palace?" Zena asked.

"I..I.." Jasmine tried to hold in her tears. But she could not and burst out into tears. "Oh It Was Everything! All I Ever Wanted Was A Normal Life! To have friends! To See The Outside World!" She sobbed. Zena held her close.

"I know how you feel little one. To be a prisoner Not being able to live your own life the way you like. But are world is not perfect its filled with ups and downs, sadness and hope. We all maybe different class but we're all the same inside. We all need love and friendship." Zena wiped tears away from Jasmine's face." And only you father can offer you that love you need." Zena smiled in thought." And I've got an idea on how you can have a friend that can stay with you in the palace. Shut your eyes and you'll get a surprise." Zena lead her down the streets. Aladdin held Jasmine's hand leading her after his mother. She felt Zena place something furry in her hand. "Open your eyes now. "Zena told her. Jasmine opened them and a small baby tiger licked her nose.

"Thank you!" Jasmine said in surprise.

"You're welcome dear." Zena smiled the warm caring smile of hers. Jasmine studied Zena's and the little boy's faces. They did not seem angry. They seemed caring and thoughtful.

"Now let's get you home now." Zena told them as she walked towards the Palace.

"Now you go on." Zena told her smiling.

"Yeah your home is just a few feet away." Aladdin cheered her on.

"Are you sure you don't want to claim your reward?" Jasmine asked astounded that Zena refused to take the money.

"Yes dear I'm sure. Now you and Rajah get going, it's mid-afternoon."

"Thank you. I'll remember everything you done for me." Jasmine thanked Zena before running off back to the place were she belonged.

"Daddy!" She cried as she saw her father who had been standing worriedly in the gardens.

"Jasmine!" He cried in happiness and hugged his daughter. Jasmine cried with tears of Joy. Rajah purred at the happy seen.

"Oh daddy. I missed you so much!"

Jasmine knew she was back were she belonged. She still wished she was part of the outside world, but she was needed hear in the inside world, where she belonged. But someday, just someday she would find a way to give all the poor people in Agrabah the three things they needed. Love, caring, and friendship.