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Fear Itself by MysticMeg
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An Aladdin “fanfic” by: MysticMeg

Night had fallen on the grand palace of Agrabah. The stars were twinkling, and the moon’s light gleamed off of the palace domes. Inside, servants were finishing up their evening chores, and were settling down. The guards paced the hallways, switching their posts for the night hours.
Inside a large sitting room, Abu and Genie sat munching on popcorn watching television. Genie would laugh every once in awhile, and he wore footed pajamas. Abu munched down on the popcorn and cringed at the television’s crashing and sirens.
The sultan was sitting in his large throne room, surrounded by his mounds of toys and gadgets. He fiddled with each one for a few seconds, mumbling to himself. A few screws went flying from the toy in his hand and rolled towards the guard at the door. The guard rolled his eyes, and looked out one of the windows to the sky. He saw something soaring through the sky, and peered out. He then loosened up, and rolled his eyes once again.
Carpet soared through the sky, swaying lightly with the breeze. Aladdin and Jasmine sat on top, Jasmine laid in Aladdin’s arms, sleeping. Aladdin sighed happily and he saw the palace come into view. He could see Rajah out on their balcony, pacing, waiting for them to come home.
Carpet came up to the balcony and floated above it. Jasmine stirred, “Are we home already?”
“Shh… yeah, we’re home,” Aladdin replied. Jasmine began to get up, but Aladdin was already carrying her into their room. Jasmine felt him lay her in the bed, and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep again. Aladdin kissed her gently on the forehead and went back to the balcony entrance and pushed the large fence door shut. He turned the lock, and headed for the doors of his and Jasmine’s room.
Aladdin walked into the large room where Genie and Abu were. He found them sleeping in a ball with each other, snoring loudly. He came up to the television, but it was just static at this point. He saw buttons on the side, and pressed on. To his surprise, it disappeared. Abu stirred, and Aladdin picked him up in his arms. He shook Genie a little bit, and Genie turned on his back. Drool was dripping from his mouth, and he began to mumble, “No mommy, just give me 5 more minutes.”
Aladdin laughed, and realized the lamp was on the floor nearby, so he decided to give it up. He carried Abu to his little room, and laid him on his bed. He started to walk away when he slipped on a banana peel and yelped out in pain. “Abu! What did I tell you about this?”
Abu peeked, and then shut his eyes tightly to throw off his friend. Aladdin frowned at him, and picked himself up and headed out of the door, rubbing his side. He started down the corridors, nodding to the servants and guards. He passed the throne room, when Rasoul grabbed his arm. “The Sultan wishes a word with you.”
Aladdin jerked his arm away, and walked into the room. A small gadget came whizzing by and sliced is navy blue harem pants. Aladdin looked up, and saw the sultan sitting amongst his toys. “You asked to see me your highness?”
The sultan looked up, “oh yes my boy, come on in.”
Aladdin walked up to where the sultan was sitting, and looked down on him. “Is there something the matter?”
“Oh, heavens no! We just have to go over some of the trade routes between Ghetzistan and Agrbah,” the sultan replied, pushing his toys away and standing up.
Aladdin sighed. He really wanted to go to bed with Jasmine, but he knew that he had a responsibility. He followed the sultan out of the room and into the throne room for a long and boring conversation.


Down in the gardens under Jasmine’s balcony, two figures were slinking out from behind the bushes. A short, fat man came into the dim light followed by a taller, lankier man.
“Alright Haroud, here comes our day of… of…”
“Unequaled victory, sir,” Haroud finished.
Abis Mal squealed, “Right! Of unequaled victory! The throne of Agrabah will be mine! And the hat, can’t forget the hat!”
Haroud rolled his eyes, “Yes sir, and you shall sit upon that throne with pride and a victorious smile.”
“Hmm… better get some teeth whitener,” Abis Mal mumbled to himself.
“But first we must get our collateral,” Haroud reminded.
“Yes, we must gather our collateral,” Abis Mal repeated. He looked around, and then whispered, “What’s our collateral again?”
“The princess, sir, the princess!” Haroud raised his voice.
Abis Mal smiled, “that’s right! We’ll take the princess won’t give her back until the sultan to give up his throne! Good thing I thought of this, huh Haroud?”
“Yes sir, your wit astounds me,” Haroud scoffed. He reached into his sash and pulled out a long rope. He untangled it and brought out the end with a large hook at the end. He swung it around for little before letting it fly up towards the top of the railing of Jasmine and Aladdin’s balcony.
“Alright Haroud, climb on up,” Abis Mal ordered.
Haround looked up the rope and saw how incredibly high it was. He shuddered, “Yes, thank you sir! The thrill of the execution will be mine!”
Abis Mal’s eyes widened, “No! I want the thrills… I want it. Mine!” He grabbed the rope from Haroud’s hands and began to pull his fat body up. Haroud watched as he made it halfway up the rope. Suddenly, he heard talking in the distance and saw two guards making their way around the corner. He ducked into the bushes, and watched as the guards made their way to where the rope was hanging.
Abis Mal looked down and saw the guards making their way to where he was, the rope dangling right beside them. He stopped climbing and held his breath. Suddenly a creaking sound started from up above and he looked up. The stone railing was beginning to crumble. “Uh oh,” he whispered. He watched as the guards made their way passed him and Haroud.
As soon as the guards had passed, Haroud came back from his hiding place. “Sir, keep going.”
Abis Mal looked down at him, “the rail is crumbling.”
“Then climb faster!” Haroud returned.
Abis Mal looked up and again began climbing. He made it to the top. He crawled over the railing, and fell face first onto the balcony floor. As soon as he did, the railing crumbled away and began falling.
From below, Haroud kept looking around for any other guards. He heard a noise and looked up just in time for the large stones to come down on his head.
“Oh, that’s gonna hurt in the morning,” Abis Mal cringed from above. He shrugged and made his way to the gates of Aladdin and Jasmine’s room. He pulled on the door, but he realized it was locked.
“What? Are they afraid someone’s going to sneak in and take them?” Abis Mal asked himself. He pulled out a lock pick and put it into the lock, and a small click came from within. He pushed the door open, and looked inside at the bed.
Jasmine lay on her bed, sleeping peacefully. Abis Mal smiled greedily and rubbed his hands together. He made his way to the bed, but then Rajah appeared before him. Rajah growled ferociously, and Abis Mal backed up. “Nice kitty, wanna mouse?”
Rajah backed the thief up into the wall and licked his lips. Abis Mal looked around desperately when he saw a small table with a vase of flowers on it. He grabbed the vase and smashed it over the tiger’s head. Rajah stumbled for a little bit before falling limp onto the ground.
Jasmine jumped up at the sound of the crash. She peered around the room, and gasped when she saw the little man against the wall. She jumped out of the bed, and headed for the door. Abis Mal caught her quickly, and put his hand over her mouth. “Now Princess, don’t struggle and you won’t get hurt” Jasmine looked down and realized that Abis Mal’s feet weren’t even on the ground.
Abis Mal let her mouth go, and grabbed the rope from his sash. Jasmine pushed and shoved and kicked until she was free. Abis Mal again grabbed her and gagged her mouth. He held her nose, and then Jasmine stopped struggling and fell unconscious. Abis Mal quickly wrapped her wrists and ankles in rope, and carried her out to the balcony. Rajah stirred as the little man ran past him.
Abis Mal looked down and saw that Haroud had recovered from his previous thud. “Haroud, get ready!” Abis Mal yelled. He ran to the balcony and threw the princess down. He grabbed the hook and placed onto another part of the balcony railing.
Haroud looked up, and put his hands out to catch Jasmine before she hit the ground.
Abis Mal was about to scale down the rope again when he heard growling behind him. He looked behind him to see Rajah in a pounce position. Abis Mal yelped and jumped out of the way of the tiger. Rajah chased after him. Abis Mal ran to the end of the balcony and looked down. He jumped suddenly.
Haroud looked up and saw Abis Mal headed for the ground, “Oh, he’s got to be kidding.” He swiftly stepped out of the way, and Abis Mal hit the ground with a hard thud.
Abis Mal began to rub his bottom, “You catch the girl, but not me?”
“Yeah, well I couldn’t catch you with the princess in my arms, now could I?” Haroud returned.
“There’s should be a big difference between your relationship with her and me.” Abis Mal said standing up.
“Oh, there is sir,” Haroud replied, following Abis Mal back towards the palace wall, “about a 200 pound difference.”
“I heard that Haroud!” Abis Mal yelled as he made his way over the wall. Haroud rolled his eyes and threw Jasmine over his shoulder as he also made his way over the wall and out to the streets of Agrabah. Night’s darkness cloaking them as they made their way to their hideout.


Aladdin sighed a heavy breath of relief when he exited the sultan’s throne room. He leaned against the door before gathering his motivation and started down the corridors towards his room. As he approached his doors he heard a loud scratching noise from within. He approached the doors carefully and turned the handle. As soon as he did the doors fell open and Rajah tumbled out on top of Aladdin.
“Rajah, what are you doing?” Aladdin asked as he struggled to get out from under the tiger. Rajah looked worried and then turned back into the room. Aladdin jumped up and followed him. He looked around and saw that many of the contents of the room had been turned over and some were smashed. He ran to the bed to check on Jasmine. He tore down the sheets and gasped.
“Where is she Rajah?” Aladdin asked in alarm. Rajah ran past the open doors to the balcony and Aladdin followed. Rajah headed towards the crumbled balcony and looked down. Aladdin followed his example, but became puzzled. “She’s down there?”
Rajah shook his head. Aladdin nodded, “Someone took her didn’t they?” Rajah nodded and looked back towards the room. “Don’t worry boy, we’ll find her.”
Aladdin headed out of the room and down the corridor, “Genie!” he called. “Someone’s taken Jasmine!”


Haroud and Abis Mal entered a run down building they claimed as their hide-out. Haroud gently laid Jasmine on a beat up couch. He untied her wrists and ankles but chained her again to the wall.
Abis Mal started to empty out his sash. “I don’t understand why we needed all that.” Rope, a dagger, and crackers fell out. Also, a small piece of paper floated out and landed at Haroud’s feet.
Haroud picked it up and started to read it. His eyes grew wide and he glared towards Abis Mal.
Abis Mal looked up at him, “What? What is it Haroud?”
“You didn’t leave the ransom note sir!” Haroud yelled.
Abis Mal cringed and smacked his head, “Oh.”
“Now how is Aladdin and the sultan going to know it was us who took the princess? Not to mention, how are we going to get the ransom?” Haroud rose his voice.
“Well, you didn’t remind me, and I forgot as I was being chase by a tiger! Which was very large by the way!”
Haroud rolled his eyes, and threw the note down. Jasmine stirred at the sound of their argument and her eyes shot open. She looked around and the events of the night hit her again. She went to get up, but the chains restrained her.
The sounds of the chains attracted the two thieves attention. They turned and looked at Jasmine and Jasmine scowled at them.
“Let me go Abis Mal!” Jasmine demanded, straining her chains.
Abis Mal laughed, “It doesn’t look like you’re in much of a position to give out demands princess.”
Jasmine’s eyes narrowed, “When Aladdin finds me-.”
“Aladdin is never going to find you thanks to our next great ruler,” Haroud mumbled and held up the ransom note. Jasmine read it and scoffed.
“What’s it doing here?” she asked.
“I, umm… acidently forgot to leave it at… the… palace,” Abis Mal squeaked as he fumbled around with his fingers.
Jasmine laughed, “some thieves you are.”
“I’d be quiet if I were you, princess,” Abis Mal ordered, staring down on her, “or you’ll face my… my…”
“Unmatched wrath,” Haroud finished, fixing up the fire.
“Yes, my unmatched wrath,” Abis Mal repeated. “Oh Haroud, I like that one. Short and simple.”
Haroud sighed, and turned back to Jasmine. “Here’s the deal princess, you’re ours until we get the ransom… ours to do with what we please. So I’d sit down and be quiet, because we can be quite ruthless.”
Jasmine looked around Haroud’s skinny shoulders and towards Abis Mal who was fooling around with a tiny bug on the ground, trying to squash it. She looked back up to Haroud.
Haroud rolled his eyes, “just do as I say, and no one will get hurt.” He pulled out a box and showed it to Jasmine. He opened the box and two tiny eyes could be seen inside. Jasmine peered, but Haroud closed it tightly.
“What’s in there?” Jasmine asked suspiciously.
“A mystical creature,” Haroud whispered, “one who can read your mind and see your worst fear. Then he can make you relive that fear over and over in your head… until you go mad.”
Jasmine gasped and cringed back. Haroud laughed and turned away, leaving the princess shivering in his shadow.


Back at the palace, Aladdin, Carpet, Abu, and Genie were all searching frantically for Jasmine. Abu was everywhere in their room looking for clues along with Carpet searching the ground below.
Aladdin threw the pillows off the bed, and Genie, dressed as a detective, searched for clues everywhere. He came up to Aladdin and put his hands on his shoulders, “Alright son, I need to know everything about what you know to find the missing princess.”
Aladdin sighed, “I don’t know Genie, I came to the room after talking with the sultan and Rajah was here waiting. I realized Jasmine was gone, and I came to get you.”
Genie gasped, “So the tiger was an eye witness!” Rajah, who was lying in the corner, looked up to see Genie appear before him.
“Alright kitten, just tell me if you recognize anyone out of this line-up,” Genie sleuthed. A line up of different pictures appeared before the group. A picture of Mozenrath, Selene, Sadira, Mirage were up. “The usual suspects,” Genie poked at Aladdin.
At the very end of the line-up there was a picture of Abis Mal and Haroud. Rajah growled at it and lunged. The pictures disappeared and Rajah smacked into the wall.
“Abis Mal is behind this!” Aladdin yelled.
“Yeah, looks like it, but one thing doesn’t make sense,” Genie thought out loud.
“When Abis Mal does something, it’s to get rich. Why would he just take Jasmine without leaving behind a ransom or something?” Aladdin answered.
Genie nodded and transformed to his normal self.
“We have to go after them,” Aladdin ordered and he whistled for Carpet. Carpet soared up and Aladdin jumped on. Genie grabbed Abu and soared out after Carpet and Aladdin and out to the streets of Agrabah.


“Jasmine!” Aladdin called out to the empty streets of Agrabah, “Jasmine, where are you?”
Genie transformed into a large radar machine and started turning his head and a strange beeping noise began. “We are on route of the missing princess of Agrabah,” he reported through a microphone.
Aladdin kept calling out to Jasmine and Abu followed his example. Aladdin sighed, “it’s no use, she could be anywhere! She may not even be in the city!”
As soon as he said that, the beeping sound got a little faster. A light went off and Aladdin looked on the radar screen. Jasmine’s profile could be seen nearby.
“She’s somewhere close Al.”
“Carpet, let’s go!” Aladdin ordered and Carpet sped up in the direction of Jasmine. Abu held on tight to Aladdin’s shirt as the wind whipped the tiny group. The beeping sound of Genie became faster and louder as the grew close to Jasmine’s location. Suddenly, Carpet stopped and the Aladdin jolted forward. Genie transformed to his normal self and helped Aladdin up, and they both peered into the window of the rundown building. Inside they could see Jasmine chained to the wall, and Haroud and Abis Mal in another corner, talking quietly.
“Genie, we have to get Jasmine out of there. You distract the guards, and I’ll get Jasmine.” Aladdin ordered. Genie saluted and zipped into the building.


Abis Mal and Haroud stood in a corner of the room, their heads away from the chained princess. “Alright Haroud, measure just right, I want the throne to fit just perfectly!” Abis Mal demanded, taking off his big turban.
Haroud groaned at the site of his boss’ bald head and quickly stretched out the measuring tape and circled the circumference of his head. “Wow, sir, you have quite a big head.”
“That’s because of my very large brain Haroud,” Abis Mal beamed.
“For something so large, I expected it to get more use,” Haroud mumbled to himself.
“I heard that Haroud,” Abis Mal said angrily. Suddenly, the measuring tape came to life. It started to swirl around the two thieves, who became frightened. Genie sat against the wall dressed as an old snake charmer. He blew his brass flute in a haunting tune, and the measuring tape did as it was instructed. Abis Mal and Haroud scrambled to get away from the rope’s hold, but to no avail. Soon the two thieves were simply struggling with each other to be the first one out.
“It’s a ghost!” Abis Mal squealed using Haroud’s head as a stepping stone. Haroud yelped in pain, and pulled his boss back down.
“It’s not a ghost; it’s that infernal Aladdin’s genie!”
Jasmine watched in amazement from the wall. She giggled as Genie gave her a large wink. Suddenly, she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Aladdin, and grinned. “Oh, Aladdin.”
Aladdin came up to her, “Abu, c’mon… put those thief habits to work.” Abu squeaked in agreement and went up to where the lock was chaining Jasmine to the wall. He fumbled in his little vest for awhile before pulling out a lock-pick. He quickly shoved it into the lock and they heard a faint click.
Jasmine felt the chains fall and she quickly jumped up and wrapped her arms around Aladdin.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here,” Aladdin instructed. He grabbed Jasmine’s hand and started to lead her out of the building when something came up around his legs and tied them together. Aladdin fell to the ground, along with Jasmine.
They both turned around to see Abis Mal standing before them with a triumphant grin on his face, holding the other end of Aladdin’s rope. “Ah, Aladdin, how nice of you to join us. Now you can be a witness to my…my…”
“Triumph beyond comprehension,” Haroud finished as he came up behind Abis Mal.
Aladdin looked behind them to see Genie now fumbling with the measuring tape, his flute obviously stuck down his throat. He looked back to Abis Mal, ‘Give it up Mal, there’s nothing you have that will let you win.”
Jasmine gasped, she saw the same box Haroud showed her earlier in the thief’s hands. “Aladdin…”
“We’ll get out of this, just like we always do,” Aladdin boasted, laughing a little.
Abis Mal’s hands were clenched now, and he was grinding his teeth.
“Aladdin… stop!” Jasmine shook her husband.
“What is it Jasmine?” Aladdin asked.
Abis Mal came up to him and glared down on him, “Now you will see just what I can do to you and your friends,” he sleuthed. Haroud came up next to him and let opened the box a little bit.
“What is that thing?” Aladdin asked, trying not to look in its eyes. “Genie?”
Genie finally stopped struggling with the measuring tape and was now tying it up in a bow against the wall. He heard his name and turned, grinning widely. “Oh, sorry.” He zipped over to behind his friends, and looked into the box. “Uh oh, this is not good, not good whatsoever!” he exclaimed turning pale.
“Genie, what is it?” Aladdin asked again, afraid that his magical friend was even afraid.
“It’s a fearin,” Genie replied, shivering.
“What’s a fearin?” Aladdin asked, a little put off by the name.
Jasmine looked at Aladdin, “If you look at in its eyes, you’ll be put through the worst fear of your life.”
Aladdin looked at her wide-eyed.
“It could make even the bravest man to go mad,” Genie finished, poofing into a straight-jacket.
Aladdin looked up at Abis Mal, who grinned, “That’s right, now let me demonstrate.”
Haroud grabbed Jasmine by her arms and brought her to Abis Mal.
“Jasmine, no!” Aladdin cried out, straining against his leg restraints.
“Jas!” Genie cried out. He transformed into a superhero outfit with huge muscles, “Alright Mal, now you’ve done it! You let the princess go, or face my wrath!”
Abis Mal shivered, and looked towards Haroud. Haroud shook his head, “Go on sir.” Abis Mal nodded and turned towards Jasmine.
“You come one step closer and I’ll let it out on you precious princess,” Abis Mal threatened, fear still shaking his voice.
Jasmine struggled against Haroud’s hold, and used his own legs to kick up and over his head. Haroud recovered quickly, and grabbed her once again. “Sir, use the creature now!”
Jasmine stopped struggling when she looked into two piercing yellow eyes.
Aladdin screamed, but it was no use. Jasmine’s eyes turned a bright gold, and he could tell she was lost in a trance.


Jasmine could fell herself falling. And then suddenly, she hit the ground hard. She looked around as her vision cleared. She realized that she was back at the palace, on her own balcony. She sat up immediately and looked out over the city, and she gasped.
A giant monster was attacking Agrabah. People were running everywhere, screaming for their lives. The giant simply stomped on their houses and every other building in the city. She screamed, and she saw Aladdin flying on Carpet towards the monster. Before she could cry out again, she saw the monster grab Aladdin, and crush him.
Jasmine screamed and tears fell from her eyes as she saw the giant throw Aladdin’s mangled body on the ground, and kept going with his destruction. She turned and ran down to the throne room. “Father!” she called out, but no one answered.
Rasoul came running behind her, “Princess Jasmine, we have to get you to safety!”
Jasmine fought him off, “Where is my father?” she asked between sobs.
“The sultan has been killed, we must go!” Rasoul answered.
Jasmine collapsed in the guard’s arms, and tears streamed from her eyes.


Back in Abis Mal’s hideout, the thieves laughed as tears streamed from Jasmine’s face. Aladdin fought his restraints, and Genie lunged for the box. Abu bit at Aladdin’s ropes, and they finally came loose. Aladdin jumped up, and picked Jasmine up in his arms as Genie hit the box away from Abis Mal and Haroud. The box smashed into a nearby wall and a tiny, puppy-looking creature emerged. He whimpered quietly and backed into the corner.
Aladdin carried Jasmine to a wall and stood her up. Jasmine was still in a trance. “Jasmine, Jasmine!” Aladdin shook her gently, “it’s not real Jasmine! It’s not real!”
Jasmine’s eyes came back into focus and she began to cough violently, and then collapsed on the ground. Aladdin slowed her fall, and brought her face up to his. Jasmine looked into his eyes, and then jumped on top of him, hugging him tightly.
“You’re alive, oh, it was so horrible,” Jasmine cried. Aladdin returned the embrace and stroked her hair.
“It’s alright, I’m here, I’m here,” Aladdin soothed.
“Umm, Al, we have a bit of a problem,” Genie interrupted. He pointed towards the creature, shivering in fear in the corner. Abis Mal and Haroud both dove for the creature and picked it up, keeping its face away from their own.
Aladdin ran up next to them, “Give it up you treacherous scorpions!”
“Wow, this kid is good! Haroud, remember that one,” Abis Mal ordered. Haroud just rolled his eyes and took full control of the fearin. Aladdin and Jasmine backed up along with Abu, Genie, and Carpet.
“Get your Genie in this bottle, now!” Haroud ordered holding up a tiny vile. Genie looked at him and smiled, “What would make you think that I am going to get into the little cramped condo?”
Haroud jerked the fearin forward and the whole group cried out. Abis Mal grabbed Abu and held him up against the box. “Get into the bottle, or watch the little chimp suffer!”
Genie sighed heavily and zipped into the bottle. Haroud closed the lid hastily, and Genie crunched into a little ball, frowning.
Abu bit Abis Mal’s hand and Abis Mal yelped in pain. He dropped the monkey who went running behind Carpet.
“You have no where to go, Abis Mal,” Jasmine said.
“Oh, we’re going somewhere princess and you’re coming with us!” Abis Mal retorted.
Aladdin jumped in front of Jasmine, “Give it up Mal, it’s over!”
Abis Mal laughed, “No Aladdin, it’s only just begun.” He pushed Haroud who left the fearin go flying through the air. Aladdin didn’t have time to react, the fearin landed in his chest knocking him back. The next thing Aladdin saw was the piercing yellow eyes, and the faint cry of Jasmine calling his name.


Aladdin felt himself falling, and then he landed hard on stone. He jumped up quick and looked around; he was in his old hovel. He looked out towards the palace, and cried out. The palace was different; it was darker, and uglier.
He jumped down onto the streets, but it was different to. People weren’t happy, kids weren’t playing, animals seem to be suffering. He walked around, and finally stopped a merchant. “What’s happened here?” he asked.
The merchant looked bewildered at first, then he pulled his arm away. Aladdin took after him, “I asked a question, how did this happen. What happened to the Sultan? Princess Jasmine?”
“What? Have you been dead the past five years? Jafar is the sultan now. The older sultan and Princess Jasmine have been dead for a long time now.”
Aladdin backed away in complete horror and took off down the streets. He saw children eating out of trashcans, older people dying in the streets. Destruction and death was everywhere. He stopped and sat down in a corner of an abandoned building. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he thought about Jasmine and the Sultan. It was if he had never stopped Jafar that one night.


“Aladdin! Aladdin, please come back!” Jasmine screamed as Abis Mal and Haroud began leading her out of the building. She struggled fiercely, but their grip was to tight. Abu ran over to his friend and lunged at the creature on his chest. Carpet picked Aladdin up and began following the captured princess down the streets, but Aladdin never awoke.
Jasmine saw Carpet following them, and she looked down to see where the vile was resting in Haroud’s sash. She acted quickly. Pulling her arm away from Abis Mal and using it to punch Haroud, she got herself free. She grabbed the vile that Genie was trapped in and smashed it on the ground. Genie immediately zipped out, and looked around.
“Genie, take care of these two! I need to help Aladdin,” Jasmine ordered and jumped on Carpet with Aladdin and Abu. Carpet quickly flew out of sight, leaving Genie alone with the two thieves who shook in his shadow.
Genie looked around and winked. He pumped himself up to enormous proportions, and looked down on the trembling thieves. “Have you ever seen a genie mad?”
The two thieves looked at each other and then looked back at Genie and shook their heads.
“Well, now you have!” Genie mocked and turned into a large dragon with tiny wings that would never be able to sustain his own body.
Abis Mal and Haroud looked at each other and screamed in terror. They took off down the streets and Genie followed shooting flames out every once in awhile, making the two thieves jump.
“I blame you Haroud!” Abis Mal yelled to his accomplice.
“Oh sir, shut up!” Haroud yelled back and they took out over the desert.


Back in Agrabah, Jasmine looked over Aladdin’s fainted body. She knew that he was still trapped in is fear from the way he trembled and he was sweating. “Aladdin, it’s not real, it’s not real!” she practically screamed.
Genie appeared out of thin air, “Whoa, got those boys all the way to Key West I believe,” he reported wearing a Hawaiian shirt and holding a coconut drink. He looked down at the worried princess and his unconscious friend. He poofed back to normal and examined Aladdin.
Abu patted Aladdin’s head and tears welled up in his eyes, “poor Aladdin,” he seemed to say.
Genie backed up and Jasmine looked at him, “Will he be alright Genie?”
“I don’t know Jas. Al was in lock with that fearin for a pretty long time.”
“The fearin! We let that thing loose in the streets!” Jasmine cried.
Genie patted her shoulders, “I wouldn’t worry about that Jas. Fearins don’t leave the place they are left, they are too scared to.”
“So, sending people into their worst fears is just a defense mechanism?” Jasmine asked, bewildered.
Genie nodded looking back down on Aladdin. Jasmine looked back down also, but Aladdin had stopped trembling. She took his head in her arms, “Aladdin…, I can stand the torture he must be going through! Genie, is there anything I can do?”
Genie shook his head, “We need to know his worst fear. Then we can try and show him that it isn’t real.”
Jasmine began to cry, “When I was under, I lost everything I loved. Agrabah, my father, Aladdin...”
“THAT’S IT!” Genie shouted. He poofed in a large presentation board and on it was a picture of Aladdin and Jasmine.
Jasmine looked at it, obviously confused.
“Jas, one of his fears is the thought of loosing you! You need to show him that you are still here for him,” Genie proclaimed proudly.
Jasmine looked down at Aladdin in her arms and swiped the hair out of his face. “Aladdin, I’m right here, I’m here now. You just need to come back to me.”


Aladdin wondered around the destroyed streets of Agrabah, trembling and sweating from trying to find one sign of hospitality. Suddenly he heard Jasmine’s voice from behind him and he turned around to see her looking at him.
“Aladdin, this isn’t real, come back to me,” Jasmine seemed to plead with him.
Aladdin started towards her, but stopped. “You’re not real! Jasmine’s gone! You’re just a trick, a trick to make me go mad!”
“Aladdin… please… come back to me!” Jasmine pleaded.
“NO! I won’t, I can’t; I need to find help. I need to get rid of Jafar,” Aladdin cried. He tried to leave, but he couldn’t turn away from the vision of his wife.
“Aladdin, please, come with me. This isn’t real, this isn’t the truth,” Jasmine beckoned again.
Aladdin began to walk towards her, “but I…” It was too late, he was wrapped in Jasmine’s arms and a bright light surrounded them.


Aladdin’s eyes shot open. Jasmine looked down on him in relief, and saw as the glazed look disappeared from his coffee brown eyes.
Aladdin looked around for a minute, before coughing violently and turning over on his hands and knees. Genie and Abu and Carpet backed up and Jasmine helped Aladdin up. He turned to look at her and then grabbed her in his arms and hugged her tightly.
“Jasmine, it was horrible. You weren’t there, Jafar…”
“Shh… it’s all over now, it’s done,” Jasmine soothed. She took him in his arms and rubbed his shoulders. Aladdin closed his eyes, but then looked back up at Genie and Abu. Genie had huge “goo-goo” eyes and Abu made a sick face. Carpet seemed to blush before scooping Aladdin and Jasmine up and heading out into the streets.
On the way back home Aladdin began to wonder what had happened while he was “gone.” “What happened to Abis Mal and Haroud?”
Genie laughed, let’s just say that they’ll get an early tan.
“And the fearin?”
Genie gasped, “Oh yes, I forgot!” He zipped into the building where the thieves had presided and came out holding the fearin by the back of his neck. “I’m sure Mal would love a little visit from his pet.”
The fearin whimpered as Genie wrapped it in a huge box and zapped out over the desert.
Aladdin and Jasmine laughed before they took each other in their arms once again and kissed. Genie took his way ahead, leaving Jasmine and Aladdin alone for their trip back to the palace.


Abis Mal and Haroud made their way up onto a deserted beach from the ocean. They started arguing immediately until a package landed between the two.
“Mine! Mine!” Abis Mal claimed. Haroud heard the whimpering from within and took off running.
Abis Mal laughed and greedily ripped open the package. He backed up immediately, but it was too late, the fearin jumped on his chest.
“Uh oh,” Abis Mal whimpered as his eyes took on a bright yellow light.


I hope you enjoy my story! I don’t own any of the characters, except the fearin, and I hope you enjoy it!!!!